How To Cure Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic Rhinitis is a condition in which the lining of the nose becomes inflamed as a response to inhaling certain dusts or vapours which contain allergens – the most common of which are pollen released by plants. In these cases the condition is commonly referred to as Hay-fever – many millions of people around the world suffer from this, particularly during the spring and summer months when plants and trees release their pollen. The result often involves rhinorrhoea – a runny nose, streaming eyes and in some cases, difficulty in breathing.
Unfortunately for some people, there is a similar condition known as Perennial Rhinitis which affects sufferers all year long. In these cases the most likely allergens come from house dust mites, mould spores and animal dander (the tiny pieces of dead skin, urine and faecal dust that comes from animals), alongside allergens that may be present in their workplace.
In order to identify what a sufferer is allergic to there is a range of tests available through your doctor. Common tests include a skin prick test in which a tiny amount of an allergen is placed upon your skin and then the skin is pricked with a needle and the results monitored. If a red mark appears (called a welt) it is likely that the allergen has been identified. Once this has been established there are a range of options available including medical treatments to reduce or eliminate the symptoms. Steroid nasal sprays such as Beconase and Flixonase can be very effective, they prevent the allergic response responsible for the inflammation.
Another option is to reduce or eliminate your exposure to these allergens. In some cases this can be achieved by changing your bedding materials, avoiding animals or changing your job, but if these measures are not appropriate then the most specific treatment is immunotherapy. This involves repeated injections of tiny amounts of allergens with the aim of desensitising your immune system.
If you or someone you care for has developed Allergic Rhinitis as a result of the workplace, it is quite possible that you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Our solicitors have a great deal of experience in handling claims of this type and will be able to listen to your story and swiftly identify if a claim is appropriate. It is free to contact us, and you are under no obligation to continue with a claim if you choose not to.
Contact us today and let us see how we can help you get the pay-out you and your family deserve.